Data clustering is the process of grouping a set of objects that objects is the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups. In this Paper Clustering is used as K-mean clustering to evaluate student performance based on their result of quarterly exam, half yearly exam, and final exams result. On the basis of academics performance we can compare the result of govt. school vs private school, this will help us to find out better education system.
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Bhawna Janghel, Asha Ambhaikar. Performance of Student Academics By K-Mean Clustering Algorithm. Int. J. Tech. 2020; 10(1):58-61. doi: 10.5958/2231-3915.2020.00011.5
Bhawna Janghel, Asha Ambhaikar. Performance of Student Academics By K-Mean Clustering Algorithm. Int. J. Tech. 2020; 10(1):58-61. doi: 10.5958/2231-3915.2020.00011.5 Available on: https://ijtonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-10-1-11
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