Now a days math is having its own importance in different fields of science, Engineering, Medical Science, Economics, Commerce etc. All the fields have been developed by making use of math. In this paper some uses of math in the field of chemistry and Economics are highlighted. In the field of chemistry for different experimental results which are calculated by making use of math. For getting the same value of experimental results by making use of mathematically calculated theories are done. It is found that experimental results and the result obtained by theories resemble with each other. So without doing experiments, only by mathematical theories the results can be calculated e.g. experimental results of excess volume can also be calculated from Flory’s statistical theory and Prigogine- Flory’s Patterson theory, Hydrodynamic and osmotic permeability. Electro- osmotic permeability Thermodynamic studies from electromotive force measurements, Electro negativity calculation etc. are explained in this paper. An idea about use of math in Economics is proposed by explaining some theories e.g. Marginal utility, law of equimarginal utility marginal rate of substitution, marginal lost, Harodommars model etc.
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Anil Kumar Sharma, Minaksh. Math in Chemistry and Economics. Int. J. Tech. 2016; 6(2): 133-137 doi: 10.5958/2231-3915.2016.00021.3
Anil Kumar Sharma, Minaksh. Math in Chemistry and Economics. Int. J. Tech. 2016; 6(2): 133-137 doi: 10.5958/2231-3915.2016.00021.3 Available on: https://ijtonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2016-6-2-13