Shaik Afifa Fathima, Balachandra Meenuga, Vutti Narahari, Y Harinath, R. Sri Thanya, Shaik SulthanaTaz, Pasupula Pavani
Shaik Afifa Fathima*, Balachandra Meenuga, Vutti Narahari, Y Harinath, R. Sri Thanya, Shaik SulthanaTaz, Pasupula Pavani
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Anantha Lakshmi Institute of Technological Sciences, Anantapur-515001, AP, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2024
Cloud computing, a transformative technology, allows users to access and utilize diverse computing resources over the internet. This paper explores the role of cloud computing in the contemporary digital landscape, where data plays a crucial role in driving businesses and individual activities. Key characteristics, deployment models, and service models define cloud computing's adaptability and efficiency. The advantages, such as cost efficiency and scalability, are tempered by challenges like security and vendor lock-in. Looking ahead, the paper discusses emerging trends, including edge computing, serverless computing, AI integration, and the potential impact of quantum computing, highlighting cloud computing's continued importance in digital innovation.
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Shaik Afifa Fathima, Balachandra Meenuga, Vutti Narahari, Y Harinath, R. Sri Thanya, Shaik SulthanaTaz, Pasupula Pavani. Sky is the Limit, a Comprehensive Examination of Cloud Computing's Power. International Journal of Technology. 2024; 14(1):27-7. doi: 10.52711/2231-3915.2024.00004
Shaik Afifa Fathima, Balachandra Meenuga, Vutti Narahari, Y Harinath, R. Sri Thanya, Shaik SulthanaTaz, Pasupula Pavani. Sky is the Limit, a Comprehensive Examination of Cloud Computing's Power. International Journal of Technology. 2024; 14(1):27-7. doi: 10.52711/2231-3915.2024.00004 Available on:
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