The Construction industry is the one of the vital sectors in the social and economic development of India. Along with progress, this sector also faces a number of problems which tend to hinder its growth. Of all these, project management is the predominant challenge which needs to be overcome. Project Management Efficiency is the basic criteria for evaluating the success of any project in Construction sector. Since construction projects are related and dependent on many innumerable factors, project management efficiency is also affected by various factors ranging from machinery related factors to monetary related factors. This study is aimed at investigating various factors involved with affecting the project management efficiency and also contributes directly or indirectly in the project outcome. The purpose of this project is to identify the specific processes which are instrumental in project management and this paper investigates their effects on management by perceiving the survey results. The investigation was carried out by distributing a questionnaire survey to experts and personnel in construction sector. The targeted respondents included all types of work personnel such as contractors, subcontractors and consultants involved in handling small scale projects to large scale projects. Collected surveys were analyzed and assessed with multivariate statistical approach. This analysis results identify the relationship of many manifest variables to its relevant latent variable and also determines their relative effects. This analysis results has shown the substantial impact of all latent variables and manifest variables on project outcome. The results will be helpful and beneficial for parties in achieving better efficiency in project management.
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Manjeeth Kolli Venkata, Bharath Reddy Rondla, Sri Kalyana Rama J. A Study on the Impact of Inhibiting Factors on the Efficiency of Project Management in Construction Industry. Int. J. Tech. 5(2): July-Dec., 2015; Page 157-163 doi: DOI: 10.5958/2231-3915.2015.00013.9
Manjeeth Kolli Venkata, Bharath Reddy Rondla, Sri Kalyana Rama J. A Study on the Impact of Inhibiting Factors on the Efficiency of Project Management in Construction Industry. Int. J. Tech. 5(2): July-Dec., 2015; Page 157-163 doi: DOI: 10.5958/2231-3915.2015.00013.9 Available on: https://ijtonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2015-5-2-13