2231-3915 (Online)
2231-3907 (Print)

Author(s): Amber Vyas, Umakant Sahu, Vishal Jain


DOI: 10.52711/2231-3915.2023.00014   

Address: Amber Vyas, Umakant Sahu, Vishal Jain*
University Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.)-492010.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2023

Ayurvedic medications are becoming more and more well-liked and accepted globally because they are inexpensive and have no negative side effects. There is a chance that original medications will be adulterated with substances that chemically or physically mimic raw pharmaceuticals because of the increasing demand for herbal raw materials for the production of various classical as well as phytoformulation. Avipattikar Churna is an excellent Ayurvedic formulation for treating health issues resulting from an imbalance of Pitta dosha, such as acidity, heartburn, and indigestion. These issues might arise from bad eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, or a lack of physical activity. Avipattikar Churna is also beneficial for ailments affecting the digestive and excretory systems' ability to operate normally. It counteracts the gastrointestinal tract's acid secretion and encourages the synthesis of digestive enzymes, which facilitate food absorption. Acid dyspepsia, often known as indigestion, is a condition marked by burning and sour vomit, nausea, heartburn (retrosternal burning), and burning in the throat. Avipattikar Churna is beneficial in treating these symptoms. The standardisation process, which can be carried out using a variety of methods and advanced techniques, conforms the identity, quality, and purity of herbal pharmaceuticals. The HPTLC method is superior to other methods since it may be used with herbal medications and is inexpensive, simple to use, and repeatable. For the purpose of evaluating the quality of Avipattikar Churna and identifying any changes made to the drug's composition, an HPTLC method has been devised. The existence and quantity of the marker compound in the sample are confirmed by the overlap of all relevant spectra with the marker. A gramme of Avipattikar Churna (AVC) methanolic extract contained 2.51 mg of piperine and 2.70 mg of gallic acid, the marker compounds.

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Amber Vyas, Umakant Sahu, Vishal Jain. HPTLC Method Development and quantification of marker compound Gallic acid and Piperine in Ayurvedic Polyherbal formulations: Avipattikar Churna. International Journal of Technology. 2023; 13(2)108-3: doi: 10.52711/2231-3915.2023.00014

Amber Vyas, Umakant Sahu, Vishal Jain. HPTLC Method Development and quantification of marker compound Gallic acid and Piperine in Ayurvedic Polyherbal formulations: Avipattikar Churna. International Journal of Technology. 2023; 13(2)108-3: doi: 10.52711/2231-3915.2023.00014   Available on:

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